
Finding your fashion feet

The fashion world as a whole is super intimidating, the first time I picked up Vogue and started flicking through the pages my immediate thoughts were 'oh my god, I know nothing about fashion'. I'd been interested in fashion and illustrating for quite a few years at this point; but there is so much you have to learn, I truly don't think there is anyone in fashion that can say they know every in and out, every designer and trend that's even been, okay so maybe Anna Wintour or Karl but they're at the top of their game so surely that's to be expected. 




If you don't already know, today is #MentalHealthDay, I've seen so many people posting their inspiring stories and advice all over the internet and it reminded me that not everyone has the strength and confidence to be able to openly say they're suffering with a mental health issue. That presses the question of why?

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