

It seems that you'll see a lot of posts from bloggers stating that they're writing at the most peculiar times and in the strangest of circumstances because they have an idea that's taken over their thought space, this will be one of those posts. I think I'm writing this almost as one of those reminder sticky notes to myself as much as I'm writing this to everyone else as I've been sat here on the last day on easter bank holiday wondering where the hell I went wrong...

It's safe to say that if you invest time in to your social media, more specifically, Instagram, then you'll be more than aware of the algorithm shift that has been causing us all merry hell. This is a worn out subject at this point in time but I feel there is a lot of people being dragged down by this still now and it's causing many influencers to lose passion for what they're doing, including myself. I've adored photography since I was 14 or 15 years old and I've studied it from that point, in one way or another it's been a huge passion in my life since. When I started to get in to Instagram, and I mean really get in to it, themes and all; I found that I felt at home. I was surrounded by people that had a genuine passion for the same thing I did, it was a sphere of people creating incredible, unique content and of course, when you love doing something, there is nothing more heart warming than having someone tell you that they also love what you're doing.

It validates, it encourages and gives you the confidence to pursue it.

So then, when less people acknowledge your work, do you feel that you're not doing a great job?

It's the same in any work place, it's always nice to be told that you're doing well. Of course it's never expected to be cheered on if you clear your email inbox but every so often to have that reassurance that you're doing well, can be a huge weight off your shoulders. If you're pouring your heart in to your work every day and having something completely out of control devalue it, how on earth can you combat that.

AKA - The Algorithm.

It's not the same situation where you can turn around to your boss in the quiet corner of the office with a warm cup of coffee in hand and tell them that you don't feel valued in the company. There is no one you can go to in order to vent your frustrations who will actually make a difference, no one to tell that your work is being dragged along the bottom of the feeds with minimal engagement, no one will listen. When no one listens, you start to wonder what on earth you can possibly do that is within your control to better the situation. Unfortunately the reality is that there is not much you can do, you can change up the hashtags, the posting times and pray that you hit the gold mine but it's like playing battleships, you're taking a leap in to blind sight every time. So you sit and you wonder, you get yourself worked up and question what on earth you're doing wrong and how you can change your content to gather more engagement...

...YOU are doing nothing wrong.

This is the point I want to preach and this is what I want people to take to heart. I have felt so incredibly demotivated of late because of the pressure of numbers & the engagement dips. But I cannot stress that this is explicitly out of our control, sure we can all try to understand the algorithm, we can all try to work around it the best we can, but they alter and tweak the formula so often that what we clarify one day could be irrelevant the next. One thing I learnt from dealing with anxiety for years is that you have to let go of the things causing you worry that are out of your control, you do the best you can do and let go of the things you can't change.

I can't change the algorithm, neither can you. We can all beg and plead for the chronological order to come back but there is more chance of the GBBO & TopGear coming back to the BBC than that happening. So here is my words of (late night rant) wisdom..

If you create amazing content, you WILL get noticed.
If you love what you do, success WILL follow.
Invest your heart and you will in return be loved for what you do.

Stop letting social media dictate whether your content is good enough to broadcast, if you love it, you bloody well post it and be proud.



TOP - H&M (S/O)

don't forget, you can find me here on < twitter >  <  instagram > < bloglovin >


  1. Yasss Beth! WE are not the problem and we shouldn't feel like we're doing something wrong just because of crappy algorithms! xxx

  2. Loved this post babe! I've found myself getting so down recently about Instagram and the lack of growth I'm seeing but at the same time it just makes me want to work harder and find that magic formula that works for me :)
    LJLV | Luxury Meets Alternative


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