If you want something in life, you have to work for it.
You won't wake up with your dreams sewn in to your sheets.
I had a little Sunday rant over on my twitter yesterday about going after what you want and realised I had a fair bit more to say on the matter, well at least enough that it wasn't going to fit in to the character limit on Twitter (find me here). One of the things that really grates on me when it comes to people working toward their goals is that I see a lot of people relating success in areas of others lives to luck, I don't believe in luck. I believe in good timing and bad timing, but I think luck is a load of bull. It really frustrates me to see people commenting on others success' and saying 'they're so lucky', they aren't lucky; the probability that they have busted their ass to get to where they are, is highly likely, and so to say someone is simply lucky, is to discredit that entirely.