
waving goodbye to your number one enemy

comparison, the want to be more like someone else, to do/to have something someone else has, it can push people to to self destruction.

Photos by Faye Fearon ( IG / Portfolio )

Seeing other people, friends, family, even strangers achieving things that you want to be doing can send the unwelcome feeling of jealousy through your body. As much as you're happy for the people that you love and appreciate to be achieving, something in you is a little envious, and that's okay, it's actually pretty damn normal. But it's often not just that one feeling that overcomes you..

..feeling you're not doing well enough..

..you're not getting to where you want to be fast enough..

..it seems like everyone is always a few steps ahead of you..

..well you know what?

life is not a race.

This is a lesson I wish I had learnt a long time ago as it would have saved a lot of angst, comparing yourself and what you're doing to someone else will do nothing but hinder you, it may give you a drive to push yourself but ultimately you'll still be measuring yourself against that individual and that in itself, isn't healthy. Everyone in life takes a unique path, some may be blessed with the path they want paved right in front of them, others may take a little longer route and face more challenges, but both will learn and grow in their own way, and more importantly, at their own pace.

don't get bitter, get better.

Instead of comparing yourself from every angle, focus on you and bettering yourself. You won't ever move past where you are now if all you're going to do is sit and scroll through what these people are doing. Step away from their lives and throw yourself wholeheartedly in to your own.

appreciate what your life already holds.

What you have in your life right now may be what someone else lacks, the saying of 'you don't know what you've got until it's gone' is as true today as it was a century ago, just remember, tomorrow is never guaranteed, so instead of wanting and wishing for more/change, appreciate what you already have. When you're constantly striving for more, you tend to forget what your life already holds at present, whether it's a loving family, a supporting boyfriend/girlfriend, the best damn squad you could wish for, or simply just a roof over your head, these are all things that other people may lack and may be envious of you for, take a step back and gain a little perspective.

let go of your hold ups

There are some things in life we can't change, comparing yourself to something that is unobtainable can be dangerous, this is where comparison can drive you to complete self destruction. I know when I've become stuck in comparisons it's because that person has something that I'd want to change in myself but am unable to. Getting past things you want to change about yourself/things you dislike can be a huge challenge but you'll never move past them if you're wishing for what someone else has, you have to accept who you are and learn to love what you have.




Once you love who you are, what you are and what you have, you'll have no reason to want to be anyone else, you'll just want to better yourself by working on you, for you, not because you feel inadequate..

..comparison will never be your friend. 

Photos by Faye Fearon ( IG / Portfolio )



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