
you better work

If you want something in life, you have to work for it.
You won't wake up with your dreams sewn in to your sheets.

I had a little Sunday rant over on my twitter yesterday about going after what you want and realised I had a fair bit more to say on the matter, well at least enough that it wasn't going to fit in to the character limit on Twitter (find me here). One of the things that really grates on me when it comes to people working toward their goals is that I see a lot of people relating success in areas of others lives to luck, I don't believe in luck. I believe in good timing and bad timing, but I think luck is a load of bull. It really frustrates me to see people commenting on others success' and saying 'they're so lucky', they aren't lucky; the probability that they have busted their ass to get to where they are, is highly likely, and so to say someone is simply lucky, is to discredit that entirely.

Having drive is what I lacked for a long time, I had known for a while what I wanted to do, but having the mindset to push myself is what was lacking. When you're starting from the bottom, it takes motivation from within yourself. Really committing myself to what I wanted to do and pushing myself regardless of what time of the night it was, that is the drive that I lacked, and it's what has made the significant difference. Even at first just making smaller commitments/goals can make such a difference as once you get in to the habit of working toward something, you'll find that the motivation and the want to do more, will come naturally.

disclaimer - this is aided by many cups of coffee and late night mood boosting sessions AKA Fifth Harmony - that's my girl.

- waiting for your dreams to materialise around you is like waiting for the waiter to bring the food that you never even ordered -

I AM NO LIFE COACH, but I like to think that I can at least share what I've learnt from my past & my mistakes. I made the mistake of pondering what it'd be like to actually reach the place that I wanted to be and then? waiting. Just waiting for it to happen, you may think that you're not 'just waiting' but are you actually taking the action you need to in order to make it happen? that's exactly what my mistake was. I was continuing what I was doing to stay at the same level, but hoping it would turn in to more, without actually doing more. 

- if you want something, you take action to get it -

 You have to keep working to keep growing, you can't put in the same amount of effort and expect to get bigger and better results, the more you put in, the more you get out. That's stating the obvious and they're words that you've probably heard multiple times, but when you actually apply them to your mindset, you'll see such a difference.

In the words of my idol from my teenage years, and maybe still now, Blair Waldorf - "If you really want something, you don't stop for anyone or anything until you get it"



  1. Brilliant post - totally agree with the part about saying people are lucky completely discredits the hard graft they most likely put into achieving their success!

    Just discovered your blog & looking forward to reading more posts!


    Kirsty xo.


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